Friday, August 10, 2007


Justice leverte eit dritbra...... dj-sett. Trudde dei skulle spele live, men vart møtt av null visuelt og cd-speling. Ja ja som sagt, dei spelte veldig bra låtar ispedd sine eigne ting (som er fantastiske!). Andre enn meg som vart skuffa?
Har på sko frå Keds, tights frå American Apparel, tee frå WKND, pepsi max i begeret og lakkveske kjøpt i Kyoto.

Justice did a I thought they where playing live, but there was no visuals and cd-playing. But it was good and they played some of their own tunes (they are fantastic!). Other than me who was a bit disappointed?
Wearing shoes from Keds, tights from American Apparel, tee from WKND, pepsi max and lamébag bought in Kyoto.


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

så-så Birthe. DJ-settene dis e antageligvis mye bedre enn live-settene uansett.