As I have written earlier, there is no doubt that chinos will be big this spring. But what about the jeans? While some seems to be stuck in the 70s (or the 70s retro in the 90s) and never gets out of their flaired jeans others goes for the wide and loose jeans.
Personally I think I will go for jeans with pattern, different colours, patchwork tecniques or odd shapes. Like these ones from Cheap Monday´s spring collection or Acne Jeans who has a more sober alternative.
Pictures from cheapmonday.se and acnejeans.com
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super blogg forresten:)
Supert at du likar bloggen min. det er fleire butikkar i noreg som fører både Cheap Monday og Acne Jeans, om du går inn på heimesida deira finner du lister over kvar desse ligger og ta kontakt med butikken som ligger nærast deg. Veit at Pepper her i bergen får inn nokon cheap monday som som ikkje berre er einsfarga (meinar eg å huske). B:)
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