Saturday, September 15, 2007


London Fashion Week starta i dag, og eg synes det er litt meir interessant enn NYC. Litt meir på hugget designere. Eg gler meg blant anna til å sjå Cassetteplaya og Gareth Pugh + yndlingen Ann-Sofie Back.
Kjolen på bildet er Calvin Klein frå NY Fashion Week, eg elskar den minimalistiske 90s looken, ganske mykje Raf Simons og Jil Sander her.

I think London Fashion Week is a bit more interesting fashion-wise than NYC.
I am looking foreward to Cassetteplaya and Garth Pugh plus of course Ann-Sofie Back.
The dress is Calvin Klein from NY Fashion Week, I love the minimalistic 90s look, a bit Raf Simons and Jil Sander.

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