This is the reason why I have been a bit lazy on the blog the last week. I have transformed the storage room filled with magazines, records, old clothes and crap into a walk in closet!
It demanded a lot of work including new paint on the walls and I must have carried hundreds of magazines to the storage room in the basement. But now I am so happy with the result and it is much easier to find and be in control of my clothes.
My clothes are to the right and my boyfriend has the left side.
Fyyyy søren Birthe! Haha. Herregud så digg.
he he I know! Har overdel/toppar i walk in og såkalte benklær i mitt gamle skap, så no er det full kontroll. Fantastisk deilig, kan trygt sei at oppbevaring av kleda har vore eit stort problem her i huset, ikkje no lenger:) Happy happy:)
Så praktisk det så ut. Skulle ønske jeg hadde plass til noe slikt.
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