Saturday, February 3, 2007


Skulle gjerne hatt ein "kjeledress" frå Stella McCartney, men denne blir nok for dyr. Acne og Wood Wood har liknande i sin kolleksjon for våren, og eg er sikker på at billigkjedene vil kome med sine variantar. Om du vil dress down så har du alltids Wallendahl sine eingangs malardressar! Skikkelig Altern 8 style. Bilde frå

Wish I could have this boiler suit from Stella McCartney, but I guess it is too expensive. Acne and Wood Wood has a similar in their spring-collections and I am certain that you will find a copy in high street stores as well. For dressing down you can always go Altern 8 style and buy a paint/working-suit at your local paintstore!

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