Thursday, February 22, 2007


Kurt Cobain ville fylt 40 år på tirsdag, i staden tok han sitt liv i ein alder av 27 år. Kurt var miserabel som superstjerne, men stilen hass vil inspirere i lang tid framover. MTV-Unplugged opptaket er legendarisk. Grunge-revivalen vi såg i haust vil nok langt frå vere den siste, det er berre eit spørsmål om tid.

Kurt Cobain would have celebrated his 40 years on tuesday, instead he killed himself at the age of only 27. Kurt was miserable as a superstar, but his style will always be a great source of inspiration. The MTV-Unplugged take is legendary. The grunge-revival last autumn will come back over and over again, it is just a matter of time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate fashion & want to die!