Thursday, February 1, 2007



Ein liten treat for helga: Skal tru kvar Cassetteplaya henta inspirasjon til visningsvideoen av ss07-kolleksjonen?
"Pump up the jam" med Technotronic (bra navn!) var min favorittlåt då eg var 12 år, og eg synes videoen var så high tech. Dansinga, dei syrete data effektane, sykkelbukse, gulljakke og magetaske, alt var så kult! Sjølv om låten kom ut i 89, vil den alltid bli ståande som eit ikon for 90-talet.
PS! For å sjå Cassetteplaya-videoen, bruk Cassetteplaya-linken i høgre marg og trykk på view ss07-collection.

A little treat for the weekend: Wonder where Cassetteplaya got her inspiration for the ss07-video?
"Pump up the jam" was one of my favourite track when I was 12 years old, and I tought the video was so high tech. The dancing, the trippy computer effects, golden jacket, bike pants and fannypack, it was so cool! Even though the song was put out in 89, it will always stand as an icon for the 90´s.
PS! To see the Cassetteplaya-video, use the link on right and view the ss07- collection.

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